Marketing for indie games
Are you an indie game developer and you don’t know how to sell your game? You don’t like to be
Are you an indie game developer and you don’t know how to sell your game? You don’t like to be
Inspired by the work of Tovar and our friends @RetromaniacMag, we want to make this DIY available in order to craft your own arcade cabinet of Maldita Castilla. You will only need to download the file, grab the scissors, glue and show a few skills.
Now available on Nintendo eShop for just $13.99 / 13,99€ / 1700¥. Abylight Studios is so excited and proud to announce that Don Ramiro will start conquering the Nintendo Switch today. Cursed Castilla brings back to life the arcade gold era with a unique 16-bit story inspired by European folklore and cavalry novels.
Once upon a time…A brave knight named Don Ramiro was summoned by the King of Castile, Alphonse VI, to free the kingdom of Tolomera del Rey from a dark and evil force. Now, continue the story on Nintendo Switch next January 24th, 2019.
Abylight Studios is currently working on the adaptation to Nintendo Switch closely with Yoyo Games, developer of the engine “GameMaker” used to create the game, as this title pushed the technical envelope. Once the development is finished, Abylight will release the game worldwide.
Yoyo Games, developers of video game creation Engine GameMaker Studio, announced last week that on summer 2018 there would be the option to export directly to Nintendo Switch on their Engine. Abylight will release both Cursed Castilla and Super Hydorah for Nintendo Switch as soon as feasible.
A Worldwide Edition will be available through our shop soon Lovers of retro & arcade games, we have great news for you! Cursed Castilla will have a physical edition for Playstation®4 in Spain, thanks to the exclusive agreement between Abylight Studios and GAME Stores.
Abylight Studios and Locomalito are excited to announce that Cursed Castilla, the acclaimed arcade indie platformer, will be released for Nintendo 3DS family of systems in North America and Europe on 13th July for 11,99€.
Oh, valiant player, for centuries thee have awaited this opportunity to face this modern arcade in the battlefield of your PC with your own holy blade! Abylight and Locomalito’s extended version of this retro arcade classic will be available on Steam after getting Greenlit in just one week on Steam Greenlight.
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